Education & Resources
Five Actions Teach You to Distinguish Skin Types
It's 2022, and there are still sisters who don't know their skin type!How important it is to choose the right skincare products according to your skin type.If a person with...
Five Actions Teach You to Distinguish Skin Types
It's 2022, and there are still sisters who don't know their skin type!How important it is to choose the right skincare products according to your skin type.If a person with...
KINGDO High-Quality Beauty Instrument Stunning ...
Hong Kong is the hub of beauty trade in the Asia-Pacific region. The 23rd Asia-Pacific International Beauty Show (Cosmoprof Asia) was grandly held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition...
KINGDO High-Quality Beauty Instrument Stunning ...
Hong Kong is the hub of beauty trade in the Asia-Pacific region. The 23rd Asia-Pacific International Beauty Show (Cosmoprof Asia) was grandly held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition...
What is an Adsorption Facial Cleansing Brush?
KINGDO is a cutting-edge brand under Newdermo technology, focusing on the field of cleansing instruments, combining fashion and health, gentleness and efficiency, creating a new way of high-quality healthy cleansing,...
What is an Adsorption Facial Cleansing Brush?
KINGDO is a cutting-edge brand under Newdermo technology, focusing on the field of cleansing instruments, combining fashion and health, gentleness and efficiency, creating a new way of high-quality healthy cleansing,...
Guide:顽固的黑头 隐藏在毛孔中的黑头让人感到非常尴尬。我尝试了很多去除黑头的方法,但我的毛孔又变大了,这非常难看。今天,编辑将分享几种去除黑头 + 收缩毛孔的方法,并教你如何打造完美的瓷肌。快来看看吧。 ① 白糖去黑头 取少量糖放在手掌中,然后滴入4-5滴纯牛奶。新鲜的最好。当糖在水中半溶解时,开始涂抹在黑头上并轻轻按摩。用水大约半分钟。洗净。牛奶温和细腻,有助于收缩毛孔。为了让皮肤再次分泌干净的油脂保护,洗完后不要涂抹任何护肤品,以免消除牛奶的保湿效果。 ② 清洁油去除黑头 使用清洁油去除黑头的方法也非常有效。选择含有植物成分的温和清洁油。在清洁面部皮肤后,取少量清洁油涂抹在黑头上,然后用手指轻轻按摩约10分钟。用面巾纸擦去颗粒。然后再次清洁皮肤。 ③ 使用促进去角质成分的产品来去除黑头 如果分泌的皮脂能够顺利排出体外,毛孔就不会被堵塞,也就不会出现黑头。与其努力去除黑头,不如加强清洁。即使在冬天,也不要忘记去角质,并使用弱酸性清洁产品进行清洁。预防黑头的发生。 ④ 去黑头牙膏 首先用温水清洁面部,然后在面部敷上热毛巾三分钟。当毛孔打开后,直接将牙膏涂抹在面部的黑头上,用指尖均匀按摩,等待鼻子完全变白且凉感减半。之后,用清水冲洗干净,最后拍上收敛水。
Guide:顽固的黑头 隐藏在毛孔中的黑头让人感到非常尴尬。我尝试了很多去除黑头的方法,但我的毛孔又变大了,这非常难看。今天,编辑将分享几种去除黑头 + 收缩毛孔的方法,并教你如何打造完美的瓷肌。快来看看吧。 ① 白糖去黑头 取少量糖放在手掌中,然后滴入4-5滴纯牛奶。新鲜的最好。当糖在水中半溶解时,开始涂抹在黑头上并轻轻按摩。用水大约半分钟。洗净。牛奶温和细腻,有助于收缩毛孔。为了让皮肤再次分泌干净的油脂保护,洗完后不要涂抹任何护肤品,以免消除牛奶的保湿效果。 ② 清洁油去除黑头 使用清洁油去除黑头的方法也非常有效。选择含有植物成分的温和清洁油。在清洁面部皮肤后,取少量清洁油涂抹在黑头上,然后用手指轻轻按摩约10分钟。用面巾纸擦去颗粒。然后再次清洁皮肤。 ③ 使用促进去角质成分的产品来去除黑头 如果分泌的皮脂能够顺利排出体外,毛孔就不会被堵塞,也就不会出现黑头。与其努力去除黑头,不如加强清洁。即使在冬天,也不要忘记去角质,并使用弱酸性清洁产品进行清洁。预防黑头的发生。 ④ 去黑头牙膏 首先用温水清洁面部,然后在面部敷上热毛巾三分钟。当毛孔打开后,直接将牙膏涂抹在面部的黑头上,用指尖均匀按摩,等待鼻子完全变白且凉感减半。之后,用清水冲洗干净,最后拍上收敛水。
These 3 Bad Skin Care Habits Will Enlarge Your ...
We take skincare every day, but sometimes the condition of the skin does not get much better but gets worse and worse. The most obvious thing is that the pores...
These 3 Bad Skin Care Habits Will Enlarge Your ...
We take skincare every day, but sometimes the condition of the skin does not get much better but gets worse and worse. The most obvious thing is that the pores...
How to Master Your Dry Skincare Guide?
Human skin is generally divided into dry skin, oily skin, normal skin, mixed skin, and sensitive skin, but we can find that the number and types of skincare products for...
How to Master Your Dry Skincare Guide?
Human skin is generally divided into dry skin, oily skin, normal skin, mixed skin, and sensitive skin, but we can find that the number and types of skincare products for...